5 Benefits of Scanning Old Photos


*This is NOT a sponsored post but does contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission if you purchase through the link. There is no additional cost to you but it does give my small business a tiny boost! I am a Mylio Certified Consultant because I truly believe in this software.

Do you have boxes or shelves of old albums and loose photos collecting dust, nagging you to do something with them, but you don’t know where to begin? 
There are many advantages to getting those scattered photos out of storage and digitized!
I help clients organize parts or all of their photo collections by breaking down the process into bite-sized pieces. I want you to enjoy the memories from your past, and of your loved ones, and know that they are protected in the case of a disaster.
Keep reading to learn how digitizing your old photos benefits you!

Have a Backup System

This is the #1 reason I recommend scanning your old photos. 
How would you feel if your photos were lost in a fire, flood, or tornado? 
Digitizing photos provides multiple backups. Prepare for the unexpected.

Bring Life Back to Faded Photos

Digital copies will likely look better than the physical copies with edits like color corrections, cropping, and straightening as needed.

Reduce the Bulk

Photo Organizer, Canton MI

Reduce the dusty boxes and albums by downsizing your collection to the ones that tell the best stories. Ditch any frames you no longer want, and organize the keepers in archival quality boxes or albums by time period, person, or event.

Simply Share with Family & Friends

Gone are the days where one family member has to be the keeper of all the photos. When everything is digitized, everyone can have a copy!

Easily Search & Tell Stories

Adding metadata like keywords, facial tags, dates, and captions helps the photos be easily searchable and no longer hides stories on the backs of photos in albums. 

I use Mylio Photos+ to edit, add metadata, organize, and back up photo collections. 

Want your photos organized but don't have the time, tech knowledge, or know where to start? I can help.

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Picture of Ashley Tauscher

Ashley Tauscher

A goal in my life is to leave people and places better than when I found them. I provide personalized one-on-one services to simplify homes to help life run smoother, and photos to enjoy the memories made along the way.

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