10 Magical Mommy-Daughter Dates That Will Create Lasting Memories


One of the biggest reasons to declutter and organize all aspects of life is to prioritize what is most important.  

Personally, decluttering my schedule helps me prioritize my family. Decluttering my home helps us spend less time cleaning and caring for what we own and instead doing things we want.

One of my goals for 2024: Spend more quality time with my kids doing something playful and fun.

Enter: Mama Daughter Dates!

Priorities: bonding, no phone distractions, have fun and be playful, and a bonus is to learn something new. 

I started this with my 6 year old daughter and intend to plan one-on-one dates with my son as well. 

Date #1: Paint Pottery - $50

mama and me date ideas

This was a splurge date for the month. We picked out pottery to paint together after school. I loved how it was easy to put my phone away with this one. We could talk about perfectionism and also get excited about creating something. When we went on a Wednesday after school there was only one other table with painters so it was low-key and very enjoyable. We will definitely be back! A perfect bad weather option.

Date #2: Glo Golf - $20

mama and me date ideas

This was my first time taking my daughter mini-golfing and she did great! The course was quiet despite being a Friday evening in winter. We had fun taking selfies and I could tell she was enjoying it. It was a good lesson in competition, difficult holes, and having to leave. I love having one-on-one time to help her through different emotions, learn life lessons, and bond. Next time I would not keep score (it was on my phone) so that I could mostly keep it put away. Another perfect bad weather option.

Date #3 Haircut for Her + Ice Cream - $8

mama and me date ideas

I’m trying to not count errands as dates so we tacked on ice cream post necessary haircut. Ice cream is always a win but I think doing an activity is more fun. 

date #4: family yoga - Free

Declutter Your Schedule to Make Room for What is Most Important

This event was free through the school system which is so cool! I love encouraging positive movement. My daughter has practiced yoga with me at home on her own accord so I liked that she already had an interest in it. A great year-round option and we’ll be checking out other school-led classes and a local kids’ yoga studio for future dates.

Date #5: bowling - $21

girl rolling bowling ball

Bowling one-on-one was the perfect way to keep her interested in the game. I am finding I am more competitive than I would have originally thought… 

date #6: family cardio drumming - Free

This was another free class put on by the school district. It is so neat they organize these and make them family-friendly. An easy yes for a mommy daughter date!

date #7: zap zone arcade - $26

girl playing planko at an arcade

This one was my daughter’s request. After doing glo golf in January she’s been asking to go back to play the arcade games. We had fun hopping around to the different games. We’ll be back for another date to go on the bumper cars and to the other attractions.

Date #8: Hide & Seek at a Park - Free

It was so nice out at the beginning of March, that we had to take our date outside. We went to a park we don’t usually go to and with its large size we played hide-and-go-seek. This one really filled her cup!

date #9: bingo - $12

This was a school event for March is Reading Month where the kids win books as prizes. It was fun to have the teachers calling out the number and be with other friends’ families. It was less about her and I, which I think we missed for our one-on-one date for the week.

date #10: library - Free

My daughter loves going to our local library to play on the ipads. For a long time it bothered me that they were front and center and that’s all my kids wanted to do. This time we set a timer for ipad time, then read books and explored together.

My daughter now asks when we’re going on our date and plans for it. Sometimes I’ll surprise her with a fresh idea and sometimes she’ll choose what she wants to do or selects a repeat. It’s been a great bonding experience for both of us! Stay tuned for 40 more date ideas to come.

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Picture of Ashley Tauscher

Ashley Tauscher

A goal in my life is to leave people and places better than when I found them. I provide personalized one-on-one services to simplify homes to help life run smoother, and photos to enjoy the memories made along the way.

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