A bedroom is a place to step away from the chaos of life and recharge. Kids’ bedrooms should provide peace, show their personalities, and also be a place to play and read. Here are 5 tips to simplify a child’s bedroom to create a calm, organized space.
Too Big, Too Small, & Off Season Bins
Categorize & Label
Establish a Laundry Routine
Keeping each family member’s laundry separate is one way to simplify the process. Pick a day for each person. This eliminates the need to sort, and is a smaller load to put away. If the clothes can’t be put away right away, they can be placed in the correct room and you’ll know where things are if needed. It also makes it easier for kids to help with the process!
Provide Breathing Room
A goal is to have designated places for each type of toy, and not overload the space. If kids are too overwhelmed to tidy their rooms on their own, there are too many objects in the room. Some ideas for book and toy storage: a cube shelf in the closet, the bottom drawer of their dresser, a cart, or a basket.