Unlock Joy with Organized Memories: Why a Photo Organizer is Your Best Investment

You may be wondering, what the heck does a professional photo organizer do? 
In a nutshell, a photo organizer helps clients with parts or all of their photo organizing goals. We consolidate both printed and digital sources (i.e. old drives, camera cards, dropbox, social media accounts, your partner’s iPhone photos, and your android photos, old albums, slides, you name it), curate the collection – weed out duplicates, similar photos, screenshots, blurry photos, photos with a finger in it, etc., and put together a cohesive story organized by event, date, or person and make the collection easily searchable and protected.
I do not delete photos, I add them to a rejects folder and allow you to do the honors. 
Wondering what other benefits there are to working with a pro? Keep reading!
saves You Valuable time

Both in the process of getting organized by someone who knows what they are doing, and by searching and easily accessing memories you are looking for.

Photos evoke emotions

Remiscising can be uplifting. Or maybe you are missing a loved one and could use some comfort by looking at their photos and favorite memories. Photos bring up a lot of emotions.

ensures your memories are backed up

I follow the 3-2-1 backup method to ensure you have copies of your collection no matter what could go down. This includes 3 copies of your collection, on 2 types of media, with 1 being offsite.

Tame an Overwhelming Mess for You

I help narrow down your collection to your favorites and the ones that tell the best stories to create a timeline and effective story of your life and family history.

Allows You to Enjoy Your Photos for Generations to Come

And really there is no price on that. Photos only need to be organized once and enjoyed for generations. Help your great grandchildren learn about you and their ancestors.

Have you been putting off getting your photos organized for years? It’s time to finally check that off your list.

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Picture of Ashley Tauscher

Ashley Tauscher

A goal in my life is to leave people and places better than when I found them. I provide personalized one-on-one services to simplify homes to help life run smoother, and photos to enjoy the memories made along the way.

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